Saturday, September 16, 2006


Catholic Answers has a tremendous series of articles on miracles that are very helpful to the faithful, and most especially to apologists. Below, I have several listed, with quotes from the articles (in bold italics), and the titles can be clicked on, and you will be taken to the complete article.


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Can Miracles Happen?

Christian apologists must do at least two things regarding miracles. First, they must show that miracles are possible. Second, they must show it’s reasonable to conclude that certain miracles—such as Jesus’ resurrection—have happened. In this article, we’re concerned mainly with the possibility of miracles.

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Why Miracles Can Happen

The most common objection is that miracles violate the scientific laws of nature and are therefore impossible. Of course, if the "scientific laws of nature" are inviolable, and if "miracle" means "a violation of the scientific laws of nature," it follows that miracles are impossible. But are the laws of nature inviolable? And are miracles violations of them?

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A Fundamentalist Objection

Such Fundamentalists don’t object to miracles as such but to the idea that contemporary individuals are given the gift of miracles. They believe the gift of miracles was limited to biblical times or even certain periods in biblical times. They argue that the gift of miracles was necessary to validate the claims of Christ and the Apostles but that, with the end of the Apostolic Age and the establishment of the New Testament writings (perhaps even up to the settling of the canon in the fourth century), the gift of miracles ceased. Modern claims of the gift of miracles they dismiss as frauds, superstition, or demonic counterfeits.

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The Continuation of Miracles

To protect its teachings from historical cross-examination, Protestantism not only rejected the authority of the Fathers and councils of the Church but also the miracles God had given down through the centuries in confirmation of the Catholic faith. All miraculous gifts after the apostolic age were denied reality. In the new view, the only purpose of miracles had been to testify to Scripture when it was being given, not to help God’s people or confirm their faith down through history.

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Do Miracles Still Occur?

To discredit the countless miracles that had been given in confirmation of the Catholic faith, the original Protestant Reformers utterly rejected the idea that miracles had continued beyond the apostolic age.
However, when the Pentecostal movement began in Protestantism in 1900, with its emphasis on miraculous healing and other charisms, the Pentecostals had to find ways to try to explain why such miracles had "vanished" for so long. The answer is that they never did, as the following quotes of the early Church Fathers show. Miracles have always been found in the Catholic Church, and the idea that they stopped with the death of the last apostle would have been foreign to the early Church Fathers.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


A federal court in the US recently ruled that school board members in Dover, Pennsylvania had violated the constitution when they ordered the biology curriculum must include the intelligent design theory.

But why does there have to be a conflict between Evolution and Intelligent Design theories?
The Intelligent Design (ID) theory examines how nature reveals the evidence of the work of an artist or designer. If we take the examples within science we see forensic studies the evidence whether someone died of natural causes or whether some other intelligence was involved in the death of the deceased.
ID enthusiasts include Philosophers of Science and Scientists with Professors of Biology featuring prominently. Science has phenomenally revealed much within the field of Biology, especially regarding DNA and proteins.
It is staggering that people claim that science should be naturalistic.
But the ID theory does not include or exclude a personal God. Examples include DNA in which the four base pairs (A, C, T, G) reveals a code which according to Bill Gates holds several trillion times as much information than that of our most advanced computer chips. The computer works on a binary, or two code system - zeros and ones.

ID does not include coincidences with intelligent design. A rough looking shape on cliffs does not reveal design. However if paint was involved or intricate patterns revealing a Davinci-like precision would be an example of ID.
According to Stephen Hawking, the origin of life theory, The Big Bang, was so precise that the galaxies would not have formed if the rate of expansion following the Big Bang was smaller by one part in a hundred thousand million million.
ID proponent and mathematician, William Dembski, reveals the contrast should not be between invoking supernatural causes vs natural, but undirected natural causes and intelligent causes. Undirected natural causes can throw scrabble pieces onto a table, but an intelligent cause is needed to arrange the pieces into meaningful sentences.

Intelligent Design does not rule out evolution, except an atheistic evolution which claims that a creator never existed.
ID exponents also use the Bacteria Flagellum example. This natural beauty has a propeller which revolves at 100,000 revolutions per minute. Magnified 50,000 times with an electron micrograph a driveshaft, u-joint, stator, etc can be observed. What was shown was a molecular outboard motor. It showed a sophistication far superior to that designed by humans, with a quarter turn the propeller can stop and rotate 100,000 rpms in the other direction.
With the furor surrounding ID the New Zealand media has not covered the fact that leading scientists have converted from an atheistic view of evolution. US proponents include previously agnostic Prof. Antony Flew (though not to a personal God) and one of the leading chemical evolutionary theorists in the world, Dean Kenyon. His aim was to explain the origin of life on earth and particularly the origin of all 30,000 proteins by purely natural processes. But doubts arose to how proteins could be assembled without the help of genetic instructions (DNA). He was led to the ID theory as it matched multiple discoveries made through molecular biology. Australian physicist and author Paul Davies states that through his scientific work more and more he is coming to believe that the physical universe was constructed with an astonishing ingenuity. However he believes that for one to call this God is a matter of taste and definition.
In fact an American survey by Sociologist James Leuba conducted in 1914 found 40% of American scientists believed in the existence of God. When the survey was repeated 80 years later, astonishingly the result was the same, 40%.
As covered in my book "God:Fact or Fiction?" Natural Selection reveals purpose and mind-like qualities. For it selects only for functional advantage or eliminates what is not advantageous. Could not this Natural Selection have been instigated by a Creator?
If it was a case of ID or Creationism vs Evolution it would mean that all life in the universe, including ourselves, came to exist as a result of chance or blind luck. However statistically the likelihood that life happened by chance is very remote. In fact Sir Fred Hoyle equates it to lining up 1050 blind people, giving each a Rubik’s Cube and they all solve the puzzle at the same time. But nature would not have to complete this wonder just once, but thousands, if not millions of times, for Natural Selection could not work on something that did not exist or was not living.
Scientists claim that any odds beyond 1 in 1050 have a zero possibility of happening. In fact Sir Hoyle claims that the possibility of the formation of life from inanimate matter is one to a number with 40,000 noughts after it. The proponents of ID merely want to include a theory which gives evidence to life having been programmed to exist and yes even to evolve. Therefore Evolution can beat at the heart of Intelligent Design.
Brendan Roberts is author of three books. His latest selling in Europe, the US and New Zealand, "God:Fact or Fiction?:Exploring the Relationship between science, religion and the origin of life" covers such subjects as Evolution and Intelligent Design.
Brendan Roberts. All Rights Reserved. To use any material please contact Brendan

Friday, September 01, 2006

Catholic Tradition... And More

"One of the great battle cries of the Protestant Reformation was “sola scriptura!” It seemed to many that the problem with the Catholic Church over the centuries was that it had added all sorts of practices, customs and doctrines."
The Crossroads Initiative has a great article by Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio on Catholic Tradition entitled appropriately enough, "Tradition, Tradition". Click here to read the entire article.

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"It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of understanding what we mean by the sacraments as channels of divine grace. We might almost say that Christianity is divided into two classes: those who believe that Christ instituted the sacraments as instruments of His grace and those who do not. In the sixteenth century, six whole nations separated from Catholic unity because their leaders no longer believed in what we Catholics call the seven sacraments. "
If you haven't read the late Father John A. Hardon, S.J., then you have missed some great explanations, some great apologies for our faith. Let's start you off right, by letting you read his article "Sacraments: Channels of Divine Grace" on Catholic .Net. Click here to read the entire article.

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"Is Scripture the sole rule of faith for Christians? Not according to the Bible. While we must guard against merely human tradition, the Bible contains numerous references to the necessity of clinging to apostolic tradition. "
Catholic Answers has some great articles on Apologetics, Evangelization, and more. Their article entitled "Apostolic Tradition" gives examples of the Early Church Fathers writings on tradition. Read the entire article by clicking here.

Friday, May 26, 2006

What Does Being Catholic Mean?

The essential ingredient to living life as a devout Catholic can be contained in only one word and that word is, obedience. In order to understand our Faith one has to study what Catholics believe and why. This is done by studying the Bible alongside the Catholic Catechism it is also crucial to read and believe Church Doctrine and all the Tenets of our Faith.

There are also matters that are considered Dogma, this means that all Catholics must hold true any specific Dogma declared by the Pontiff and the Magisterium. For an example it is necessary to believe and hold as Sacred Truth the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception which became in affect in the year 1854 under the reign of Pope Pius IX. Though this belief was articulated from the earliest Catholic writers such as St. Ephrem c. 306-73 when he wrote,"You and Your mother are the only ones who are totally beautiful in every way. For in You, O Lord, there is no stain, and in Your mother no stain....Mary and Eve [were] two people without guilt. Later one became the cause of our death, the other cause of our life." Also in the writings of St. Augustine we read, "That one woman is both mother and virgin, not in spirit only but even in body. In spirit she is mother, not of our head, who is our Savior himself—of whom all, even she herself, are rightly called children of the bridegroom—but plainly she is the mother of us who are his members, because by love she has cooperated so that the faithful, who are the members of that head, might be born in the Church. In body, indeed, she is the Mother of that very head". It is here from the earliest beginnings of the Catholic Church that belief in the Immaculate Conception of Mary took shape what God has planned from the beginning. It is incumbent upon us to also hold True all the Teachings of the Catholic Church through the ages.

There is also the understanding that as Catholics we cannot pick and choose what we wish to believe, this is where obedience must come in for we are to embrace, believe, and explain what the Catholic Church Teaches and not what we think they should teach. This is a crucial point in that many Catholics choose to speak a different gospel than what was given us by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Irrespective of our own personal views or differences we must when explaining the Teachings and Traditions of the Catholic Church do so in a spirit of filial obedience to the Doctrines of the Church. As St. Augustine put it quite succinctly, "If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself." In order for us to understand what we believe it is imperative for all Catholics to study the Word of God within the guidance of the Catholic Church.

To live one's life as a devout Catholic also means we must not embrace every new fad or novel experience for the sake of it. As Pope Benedict XVI has spoken with these words, "An Adult faith does not follow the waves of fashion and the latest novelties." The Catholic Church is beyond the latest fads and trends, it does not change it's Truth to suit the contrariness of societal values. Where one day what has been outlawed by man may become legal through due process, even though the man made law brings with it God's condemnation such as the case with Roe VS Wade. When society embraces the culture of death which is outside God's Holy Ordinances it is inherent upon the Catholic Church to rebuke and correct such a deceitful and sinful law. As devout Catholics it is also incumbent upon all Catholics to support the Church in its stance against the legalized death of unborn babies by peaceful protests, and by protesting against this law of death through the ballet box. A true Catholic must never support abortion in any way shape or form this also means that as responsible Catholics we must choose not to vote for politicians who support the PRO-choice pro-DEATH abortion bill. As the late Great Pope John Paul II said, "The cemetery of the victims of human cruelty in our century is extended to include yet another vast cemetery, that of the unborn." Do we as Catholics ignore such words as if they were of no account because individual politicians advocate and support a law that murders the nations unborn? Some may use the excuse that they wish to utilize their right to vote so they vote in a politician who has taken a PRO-DEATH platform with full knowledge of this, can a Catholic oppose and yet support abortion? Is this not contrary to God's Law which overrides any law which sets itself apart from God's Commandments? All Catholics need to examine the repercussions of their actions in accordance with the Churches stand against various issues before they utilize their right to vote.

Faith is not only believing in God's existance for does not Satan also believe in God's existance? What then is faith? Once again St. Augustine explains it with these wise words, "Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe." To have faith essentially means we trust in the Promise of God's Will revealed to us through Sacred Scripture and Catholic Doctrine without the need to 'see so as to believe', to think this is to distrust God's Holy Word and rely on your own misshapen ideas. Once again Pope Benedict XVI elucidates most eloquently his thoughts on what faith is and what it is not, "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the church is often labeled today as fundamentalism. Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along by every wind of teaching, look like the only attitude acceptable to today's standards."

It also takes more than showing up at Mass regularly to understand what living as a Catholic truly means. If we attend Mass from a sense of duty or out of habit are we giving to God our love and reverence or only our physical presence minus the love? It is the Pharisee's who chained their people with the law, so it stands to reason that if in your own heart you attend Mass only for the above reasons, have you not fallen prey to lawfulness rather than sincere Worship of the Triune God? Is it not the case that when reciting the Credo for those who do not wish to accept, follow or remain obedient to God through His Church and its Teachings what then when we pray this particular verse, "We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church." An understanding needs to be explained for when you choose to renounce even one Teaching of the One Holy and Apostolic Church you then renounce all the Teachings of the Church. The Catholic Church is not a lollie shop where one can pick and choose what they wish to believe, on any given day. Therefore if one rejects certain Teachings of the Catholic Church they then have rejected ALL the Teachings of the Catholic Church. By reciting the Credo without truly accepting nor believing all it contains makes of the person a liar which brings into question the state of their soul upon receiving the Holy Eucharist when the person has lied by recitation of the Credo while denying its Truth in their inner most heart and soul.

The Catholic individual must understand that by denying one part of the Credo they are essence calling the Church false and faulty therefore it goes to say that they also believe the Catholic Church to be full of lies and false in its presentation of Divine Truth. One cannot reject one aspect of the Churches Teachings because it does not align itself with the social issues of the day while accepting only what suits the particular individual. This is not belief in God or the Catholic Church this shows a belief in oneself over and above both God and the Catholic Church. One cannot proclaim that part of the Catholic Church is heresy while also proclaiming themselves as 'good catholics', for when one rejects even part of Divine Truth they have made themselves heretics and not the Catholic Church!

In order to remain a devout and believing Catholic we must not allow ourselves to be held hostage by the willingness of others to live sinful lives which goes against God's Holy Word and the Teachings of the Catholic Church. As Catholics we were not created to accommodate the world or the worldly we are here to speak the Truth and that is the Truth of the Catholic Church and not mistake our own 'ideas' as 'truth', in replacement of the Churches Teachings for fear of being ashamed to proclaim it. When we become embarrassed by the Catholic Churches Teaching and too ashamed to proclaim it as it is, then whom do you serve, God or man? In being embarrassed where are you different from Martin Luther who also rejected the Doctrines of the Catholic Church in preference for his own 'idea's'? As it says in Galatians, "I am amazed that you are so quickly forsaking the one who called you by (the) grace (of Christ) for a different gospel (not that there is another). But there are some who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach (to you) a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed! As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let that one be accursed! As St. Jerome also said, "Why do you not practice what you preach." If because of peer pressure a 'catholic' feels unable to speak the Truths of the Catholic Church, then what are you speaking and from where do you gain your knowledge which is outside of the Churches Teachings.

If it is a case that all 'truths' are the same 'truths' if so then why has the Church not proclaimed that Buddhism is 'catholic' or that Lutherans, Anglicans, Hindu's are also 'catholic'? Why not? Because all 'truths' are NOT Divine Truth, for Divine Truth can only be found IN the Catholic Church and not outside of it.

If you find that you cannot speak the Truths of the Catholic Church for fear of the opinion of others. If you find yourself in disagreement over many of its Tenets for it does not 'fit into society', then how can you pray the Credo with a lie in your heart?

A good Catholic is not one who embraces every new fad and every novel idea, a good Catholic is one who speaks the Truths of the Church with fierce courage irrespective of one's own safety and of one's popularity with others. This is why obedience to the Churches Teachings is integral for those who call themselves Catholic, for to be a Catholic requires more than just saying the word, it means believing in what you hold Sacred which is ALL the Doctrines of the Catholic Church. As the Catholic Catechism instructs us when it comes to the Traditions of our Faith, "78 This living transmission, accomplished in the Holy Spirit, is called Tradition, since it is distinct from Sacred Scripture, though closely connected to it. Through Tradition, "the Church, in her doctrine, life and worship, perpetuates and transmits to every generation all that she herself is, all that she believes.The sayings of the holy Fathers are a witness to the life-giving presence of this Tradition, showing how its riches are poured out in the practice and life of the Church, in her belief and her prayer."... 79 The Father's self-communication made through his Word in the Holy Spirit, remains present and active in the Church: "God, who spoke in the past, continues to converse with the Spouse of his beloved Son. And the Holy Spirit, through whom the living voice of the Gospel rings out in the Church - and through her in the world - leads believers to the full truth, and makes the Word of Christ dwell in them in all its richness." It is when many speak their own 'perceived truths' that they corrupt the Word entire for they speak from their own faulty knowledge which has nothing of the Divine within in it. Therefore they may be in danger of being a stumbling block to those who are seeking the Truth for the Truth they seek can only be found within the Catholic Church.

For when one cannot speak the Truths of the Church what then is holding your tongue...cowardice?

Peace of Christ to you ALL

Copyright © 2006 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.